High fuel costs are always top of mind for those that manage a mobile workforce. It consistently ranks at the top of the list as to why many invest in a GPS tracking solution.
There are a few top causes of high fuel costs that a fleet tracking solution can easily identify.
Idling is one of the most common causes of high fuel costs. An hour of idling can waste anywhere from 1/5 gallon to a full gallon of fuel, according to the Environmental Defense Fund. That’s not much for one vehicle. However, those costs add up when you think in terms of your entire fleet.
Aggressive driving is another factor in high fuel costs. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that aggressive driving can lower miles per gallon (MPG) between 15% and 30% at highway speeds and between 10% and 40% in stop-and-go traffic.
Wasting fuel at the pump can also contribute to high fuel costs. Employees can choose more expensive grades of gasoline, fill up at locations with higher prices, or fill up a personal vehicle.
There are several ways vehicle tracking can help minimize idle times. These methods include alerts that tell the driver to shut off the engine after a specified amount of idle time passes.
Many GPS tracking solutions offer alerts that can notify you about aggressive driving behaviors. This functionality enables you to proactively coach drivers with techniques that reduce fuel costs.
GPS tracking systems can also monitor how much fuel a driver uses through reports. Integrating fleet fuel cards enhances this functionality and can even add limitations, such as where employees fuel up and what they purchase at the gas station.
Source: Staff, AF. “5 Ways GPS Tracking Can Benefit Your Business.” Telematics – Automotive Fleet, 19 June 2019, www.automotive-fleet.com/334347/5-ways-gps-tracking-can-benefit-your-business. (MLA citation)